Monday, April 28, 2008


On Friday (ANZAC Day, a public holiday in Australia) the lovely Lisa Max (who took these photos) and the fabulous Jarrad Robb came over to our house for a day of screenprinting.

I screenprinted about 22 Space Rabbits, half in pink and half in blue, and Lisa made amazing owls and kitties. Above: Jarrad and I are happy about how awesome we are at screenprinting.

It was so much fun! I had been worried that four people would be too many, and that Robert and Jarrad would be left out, but it was really a perfect number for a very efficient operation.

The plan is to back these with patterned fabric and stuff them. I am going to have to buy some more fabric (oh no!) because the colours are so bright and they need to be matched just right.

I can't wait to do this some more!

1 comment:

B. Zedan said...

Eeek with the cuteness. Screenprinting is so fun, it's like magic once you get going (and end up with a lot of stuff screenprinted that you didnt' intend—the hot glue gun effect).