Thursday, November 24, 2011

i'm back!

Looking at the date of my last post I see that I have been neglecting this blog for over two weeks! I am so sorry. I have been in HELL, also known as trying to move house in two weeks. I looked on Google image search for pictures to use for this post and tried 'despair,' 'pain' and 'tearing out hair,' but it was all pretty depressing so I decided to use pictures of the famousest cat on the Internet, Maru. For the last few weeks I have been as obsessed with boxes as Maru, so it seemed fitting.

The process was really overwhelming. I am a bit of a collector/packrat/hoarder, and in the end we gave away nearly a bookcase's worth of books to the Save the Children book sale, 2 carloads of various things to the op shop, a few more boxes to family and friends, and also rented a skip bin for the rubbish that had managed to accumulate in the house. Moving is good for making you brutal; when you look at something and think, can I be bothered packing, moving and unpacking this? you find it a lot easier to get rid of it.

Today I read a great comic about moving and things and attachment which really spoke to me. Stuff No-one Told Me is a really great comic by Alex Noriega (whose girlfriend Iris Yan has her own, equally awesome comic, Pigs in Maputo).

I want to try to hold on to this feeling and not keep blindly accumulating things I don't need.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the book was better podcast: episode 6!

What could be better than a podcast about the book of the movie? How about a podcast about the book of the movie of the TV cartoon of the comic?! The story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has gone through so many permutations that it has emerged purified, stripped down to its very essence. Join  me and Luke Milton as we discuss the finer points of pizza distribution, realistic human disguises and sports equipment fetishes. Special thanks to Radical Dude Campbell Whyte, owner of this fine piece of cinematic and literary history!

nail inspiration

I've seen some amazing nails lately, and some of them even look do-able for a shaky-handed doofus like myself!

Emily Denise at Very Emily regularly posts mind-blowing nail photos, but this is a style that looks fantastic but would be pretty easy (albeit time-consuming) to achieve. There's a tutorial at Unicorn Parade-- a good trashy TV watching project!

Here's another great look from Emily Denise:  glitter over dark polish, but done in a really great way.


I am a big fan of Bronny's blog Fat Aus, and I've been lurking and reading her archives. I love these nails! There's a tutorial at The Dainty Squid. I'm really into triangles right now, and I really love the way this looks!

And back to the impossible: Emily Denise's butterfly nails. So beautiful!

Monday, November 7, 2011

commonwealth festival

Two weeks ago the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) was held in Perth. (I never got sick of hearing that acronym. Choggem! Choggem! Choggem!) Perth hoisted up its stockings and tarted itself up for the international visitors, including a Commonwealth Festival which took place in the Cultural Centre. I was drawn there by the international food stalls (OMG best takoyaki ever!) but there was a lot of nice stuff going on, and I took some pretty photos.

Friday, November 4, 2011

antm s17 e08

Time to stuff some jellybeans in your ears, Top Model is getting MUSICAL!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

project runway season 9 episode 14: finale!

Oh my lord, the finale of Project Runway Season 9 was last week and I'm only just getting around to this. I am a terrible person! But not as terrible as everyone involved in Project Runway (except St Tim Gunn). Let's recap this shit!